To evaluate and promote each student in the various subjects and to facilitate an intense study of all the subjects, We have periodic tests, Monthly Tests and Term Exams. The result of the Assessments are communicated to the parents by means of the progress report on a convenient day after the Assessments. They are given the chance to discuss with the teacher and if necessary, with the principal, regarding the progress of their ward..

          Promotion is granted on the basis of the grades obtained in monthly tests, Periodic Tests, Mid-Term and Evaluations. The result declared the end of the year is final. The minimum passing grade Periodic tests and considered for promotion is'D'. This applies to all the classes.

          A student who fails twice in the same class or fails in the board examination or gets compartment will not be permitted to continue studies in the school. Students should obtain the hall ticket after clearing the dues that are due to the school before gaining the Mid-Term and Annual Exam.